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Education System Indicators

Activity type: Consensus Committee
Activity coordinator: Gabriel Bukobza
Activity period: 2007-2010

The Expert Committee on Guidelines for Revising the System of Education Indicators in Israel is headed by Prof. Moshe Justman of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The Committee began its work in the spring of 2007, meeting with experts and stakeholders; it has commissioned scientific reviews, and meets regularly to discuss its growing knowledge base with a view to preparation of its final summarizing report. During the winter of 2008, the committee held a seminar on education indicators. The seminar agenda, background materials, abstracts, responses and presentations are all available on the website.
The Committee's final report was published in 2010. The complete report is accessible at "Publications".
The Expert Committee on Guidelines for Revising the System of Education Indicators in Israel was established jointly with the Ministry of Education (MOE), the National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA) and the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and operates under the auspices of the Initiative for Applied Education Research (the Initiative); these organizations all wished to bring about a reassessment of the existing system of indicators. An additional factor contributing to the Committee's creation was the Initiative's particular interest in measuring of scientific activity and in making scientifically-based knowledge available to serve key decision makers within the education system.
Prior to the Committee's creation, two meetings were held in 2006, in the winter and later in the autumn, with the participation of the MOE, RAMA and CBS as well as local and international researchers. These meeting were forums for discussion of knowledge and insights regarding indicators in educational and other public systems.
Below, the Committee's activities are outlined; they are comprised of five foci which guide the Committee in its work:
1. Research methodologies. The research method used has implications for the data gathered, what can be learned from them, and on the use of the indicators themselves. The Committee determined the relevant elements for this issue are:
a. Incrementalization and measuring added value
b. Standardization and reporting by sector
c. Measurements based on qualitative control methods
2. Multi-dimensionality of the system of indicators. The Committee views the expansion of the types of indicators used particularly with respect to those measuring achievements which are not strictly educational as important.
3. Input, output and processes. The Committee is interested in indicators which do not exclusively focus upon output but rather, take into consideration the input and processes taking place within the educational endeavor.
4. The child as the point of departure, alongside data about the system. A system of indicators will be evaluated for its ability to integrate the focus on the individual student with the use of the system's background and follow-up data.
5. Indicators' accessibility and usability. The Committee attaches great importance to indicators that can be readily interpreted and applied by decision makers, actual users and the wider public.
At the outset of its work, the Committee commissioned scientific reviews to serve as the basis for its discussions. The final versions of these reviews, which have been revised according to the questions and comments of the Committee members, are available by clicking on Background Material; they reflect the knowledge and positions of their authors.