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Prof. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad

Bio sketch:
professor of linguistics in the Linguistics Department at The Hebrew University. She is currently serving as the head of the School of Language Sciences and the head of the English as a Second Language unit, and formerly served as chair of the English Department. In the past, she taught at Bar Ilan University, and was also Visiting Professor at Rutgers University, fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, and Visiting Scientist at The Center for Cognitive Science at MIT. Professor Rappaport Hovav is a member of the academic committee of Hemdat Hadarom College. Her research deals with lexical semantics and the interface between lexical semantics and the grammatical and conceptual systems. She earned her PhD at MIT in 1984.
Updated until: 2014
Involvement in Past Yozma Activities :