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Ph.D Hannah Perl

Bio sketch:
Director of the Sciences Division at the Ministry of Education’s Pedagogic Secretariat. From 2004 to 2011, she served as the principal mathematics superintendent, and previously was a math teacher and a middle school and high school instructor. Until 2004, she was a member of the mathematics staff at the Science Teaching Center at the Hebrew University and later, headed the team. During her tenure at the Science Teaching Center, she authored mathematics textbooks and, together with Professor Anna Sfard, edited the newsletter for math teachers. Dr. Perl collaborated on the development of courses for the Open University and for several years, edited the math teachers’ newsletter at the Weizmann Institute. Dr. Perl holds an MA degree in mathematics, received in 1976, and a PhD degree in science teaching, received in 2000 from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Updated until: 2016
Involvement in Past Yozma Activities :